At first, a slightly crazy dream...
Climb all 82 peaks over 4000m in the Alps....But why?
Above everything else, I think it is the aspect of adventure and challenge, but above all my love for the mountains, which I began to discover more closely last summer, which pushes me to try the the ascent of each of these peaks. And also the pleasure of focusing on a specific goal by adopting a healthier lifestyle.
I'm also in a period where I ask myself a lot of questions about lots of things, and maybe these expeditions can help me cut myself off from the invasive presence of social networks in my life and give me some long moments to reflect and meditate, while doing something I particularly enjoy.
This is why I integrated this dream into my end-of-school project at the Steiner school in Lausanne (also called "Senior Project"). It is a free-theme project, in which students invest for a year or more, with a practical part and a reflection part which is the subject of written work, and which culminates with an oral presentation, which will be in June 2026 for my part.
This school project will serve me as an essential first step and will essentially include two phases:
The first part of the project will mainly involve physical training and learning all the techniques necessary in the high mountains.
I am therefore going to start training my endurance daily by running, cycling, climbing or even walking while trying to achieve as much elevation gain as possible on each of my outings.
For the technical aspect, I will start doing some climbs and also participate in courses on the basics of ski touring and other courses which more specifically address the techniques used in high mountains such as progression on glacier, all first aid principles, etc.
The first ascents
After or even during the preparation stage, the first ascents will be on summits rated "easy" to get the techniques in hand, then gradually I will increase in difficulty.
Soutenir mon aventure
C'est un projet qui me tient beaucoup à coeur! Mais qui a aussi un certain budget, entre le matériel, les cours d'alpinisme, les trajets, les cabanes, des guides...
Vous pouvez me soutenir de différente manière : avec une participation aux frais, avec un accompagnement sur un sommet si vous êtes un alpiniste confirmé, moralement... Tout est bienvenu et avec un grand merci d'avance!